Drum with Lid 40 Ltr
उच्चस्तरिय प्लाष्टिकका घरायसि सामानहरु
जर्मनी प्रबिधिबाट निर्मित
सस्तो, बलियो र टिकाउ
आकर्षक रङ र मोडेलहरुमा
Drum with Lid 40 Ltr
This 40 Liters drum for storing water with lids personifies strength and sturdiness. It’s a perfect choice for commercial and industrial heavy-duty usage. This highly durable drum comes with a simple grasp lid and handles which enables the user to maneuver or carry the drum with utmost comfort. It’s perfect for storing bulk quantities of water and more.
Easy to clean
Easy to Carry
This 40 Liters drum for storing water with lids personifies strength and sturdiness. It’s a perfect choice for commercial and industrial heavy-duty usage. This highly durable drum comes with a simple grasp lid and handles which enables the user to maneuver or carry the drum with utmost comfort. It’s perfect for storing bulk quantities of water and more.